A blind pimple refers to acne that has developed beneath the skin’s surface.
This type of acne develops from a combination of oil, bacteria, & dirt that becomes clogged in your pores. This results in a painful lump under your skin that doesn’t have a “head” like other pimples might have.
Never try to squeeze a blind pimple as it will only worsen the surrounding inflammation and lead to long-term scarring.
Hold an ice cube wrapped in a few layers of tissue on the spot for three minutes on, then six minutes off. Do this twice, which will reduce swelling.
Applying a warm compress can help to treat a blind pimple. The heat can open up pores, which may draw the pimple closer to the skin's surface and create a head.
Try applying tea tree oil - for a milder alternative to acne treatments, tea tree oil has been proven to improve mild to moderate acne in individuals.
Try a topical acne treatment. There are a variety of ingredients for acne, which each target different causes of acne:
- Benzoyl peroxide reduces P. acnes bacteria.
- Salicylic acid unblocks pores by removing the layer of dead skin cells on the skin's surface
- Sulfur suppresses P. acnes bacteria and unclogs pores.
- Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs) exfoliates the skin.
- Retinoids unblock pores and reduce oil.