Benefits of Lemon Water

Benefits of Lemon Water

There are many claims of benefits of lemon water, ranging from weight loss to clearer skin. Here are just a few benefits of drinking lemon water: 

Help avoid sugar - Swapping your juice, soda, or energy drinks for lemon water can not only help keep you hydrated, but it can also significantly decrease caloric intake and speed up weight loss. Research on mice has shown that antioxidants from lemons were able to significantly reduce weight gain in mice.

Balance your pH level - Lemons are highly alkaline. While they may be acidic on their own, there are alkaline when they’re ingested in the body. An alkaline environment in the body helps balance pH levels and promotes overall health.

Boost your immune system - Lemons are packed with vitamin C, which is an essential nutrient that plays an important role in immunity among many other health benefits for skin and body.

Get clearer skin - The antioxidants in vitamin C provides a whole host of cold lemon water benefits for skin. They fight free radical damage, keeping your skin looking fresh and helping slow down the aging process. 

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